Food & Happiness

It is estimated that 90% of all sicknesses and diseases are stress related. Stress is caused by many factors including negative thoughts and perceptions, medications as well as food.
Since Christmas ( celebration of freedom) is around the corner I would like us to focus on some stress causing foods which may breakdown our immune system. Anytime we become sick including pain in our bodies it could be a sign of a weak immune system.

The kinds of food we consume can contribute to the breakdown of our God given immune system. Eating those foods which we know can break down our God given immune system is a violation and disregard of the body (Temple of God) that God gave us to keep. Anytime we consume such foods, offer it to our children, friends and family we may be contributing to the breakdown of their immune system, and the reduction of their life span.

Below are a summary of some of the foods that breakdown our immune system.

1.Studies have associated high blood sugar levels with impaired immune response. Limiting your intake of sugary foods and beverages can promote better blood sugar management and immune response.

2.Studies show that a high salt intake may impair normal immune function, promote inflammation, and increase your susceptibility to autoimmune diseases.

3.Eating more omega-3-rich foods and fewer omega-6-rich foods may promote optimal immune function.

4.Fried foods aren’t good for overall health and may cause immune dysfunction. Fried foods are high in AGEs and should be limited in any healthy diet.

4.Diets high in processed meat and meats cooked at high temperatures have been linked to increased disease risk and may harm your immune system.

4.Keep your intake of fast food to a minimum. Eating too much of it is associated with health risks and may harm your immune system.

5.Ultra-processed foods contain additives like emulsifiers, thickeners, and sweeteners that may affect immune function.

5.A diet high in refined carbs may adversely affect your immune system. Choosing more nutritious carb sources like fruits and starchy vegetables is a better choice for your overall health.

6.Eating a diet high in saturated fat may impair immune function. Following a balanced, high fiber diet is likely a good way to support immune health.

6.Artificial sweeteners have been associated with alterations in gut bacteria that may harm immune function. Additionally, some research suggests that high intake may contribute to the progression of autoimmune diseases.

You see Christmas is the celebration is to honor the birth of Jesus and the peace and joy He brought into the whole world. But the devil has found a way of infiltrating the celebration by making us poison the very body that Jesus came to deliver. Remember it was through food that the devil introduced sin( sicknesses ) into our bodies. But when He tried it on Jesus he was caught red handed. Let us catch the devil this Christmas and all other celebrations from deceiving us into destroying our bodies with fanciful foods but poisonous food.

By all means let’s celebrate Christmas but let’s watch how we do it so we don’t end up dishonoring the very same body that He came to save. Again the idea of Celebrating Christ is awesome but the way we celebrate may bring dishonor to the Temple (Body) God.

Please think carefully about this
quote by a philosopher.

“We must never assume something is true just because our favorite teacher espouses it or our parents thought us to believe it”
By Rene Descartes
Let’s ensure the way we celebrate Christmas brings HONOR to GOD.

By Aunty Vero. Dzandza